Building a Framework for Authentic Youth Engagement
A Framework for Effectively Partnering With Young People, explores authentic youth engagement, including how it benefits young people, why it works, and what it looks like in real life.
Quality Standards in Action Videos Released by CDE’s Expanded Learning Division
The Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California are a set of 12 standards used to describe high levels of “Quality” of a program at the programmatic, staff, and participant levels. To bring these standards to life, The California Department of Education’s Expanded Learning Division (CDE’s EXLD) has created Quality Standards in Action Videos.
New Resource! Quick-Start Guides to Collect Feedback Creatively
Want to solicit feedback from your participants and stakeholders, but not sure where to start? Check out one Public Profit’s new quick start guides, companions to Creative Ways to Solicit Stakeholder Feedback.
Creative Ways Quick-Start Guides
Want to solicit feedback from your participants and stakeholders, but not sure where to start? Check out Public Profit’s new quick start guides, companions to Creative Ways to Solicit Stakeholder Feedback.
New Report and Webinar Outlines Strategies for Effective District/Expanded Learning Program Partnerships
The Partnership for Children & Youth recently released Time Well Spent: School district strategies to help students get the most from expanded learning time. The report examines diverse partnership models, documents successful mutually beneficial partnership strategies, highlights common successes and challenges, and provides tips for effective practice.
Applying the Science of Learning
Free Resource by Edutopia
By understanding how the brain works, educators can become better equipped to help students with everything from focusing attention to increasing retention. And with research in neurology, psychology, and technology growing, there is a whole world of new information just waiting to be applied to the classroom.
Edutopia’s latest classroom resource guide on brain-based learning helps you do just that. Every tip included in the guide is backed by years of research.
Afterzone: Outcomes for Youth Participating in Providence’s Citywide After-School System
Providence’s after-school effort, known as the AfterZone, produced educational benefits for participating students including improved school attendance and attitudes, according to a report released today, one of the first rigorous evaluations of a citywide after-school initiative.
California After School Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool
Released in 2009
This version of the California Afterschool Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool (QSA) and User’s Guide was released in 2009. Programs can use this tool to self-assess their program and make plans for program improvement. The tool focuses on big-picture program design elements and important considerations at the point of service.
Please note that an updated version called the Quality Assessment Tool (QAT) will be released soon. See the post below for details.
Save the Children
International child advocacy and program provider organization committed to child health and literacy.
Institute for Community Research — Youth Action Research Institute
Promotes the use of action research for personal, group, and community development. Participants include children, preadolescents, and youth of diverse ethnic backgrounds as well as sexual minority youth.
Exemplary Practices Guide (Quality Self Assessment Tool)
The Center for Collaborative Solutions (CCS) and the Community Network for Youth Development (CNYD) 2004-created self-assessment tool
Frontline Youth Worker Observation Assessment Tool
Two new assessment tools to accompany the 10 competencies for front-line youth workers.
Department of Fish and Game
Gives useful curriculum for in-class projects, also includes overall safety information.
NYSAN Self Assessment Tool
The New York State After School Network’s After School Program Quality Self Assessment Tool
National After School Matters Practitioner Fellowship Opportunity
Individuals working part-time or full-time at an afterschool program or community-based youth program in Philadelphia, the San Francisco Bay area or in Minneapolis are eligible to apply for the National After School Matters Practitioner Fellowship.The Practitioner Fellowship Program is a professional development and leadership initiative for mid-level career professionals. Participants in the Practitioner Fellowship are selected by application. Participants will engage in activities that inform program quality and improve practice through a year long process of reflection and inquiry.
New Free CalSAC Training Modules For After School Programs
The California School Age Consortium (CalSAC) has just added three new trainings to their list of over 25 two-hour training modules available for FREE to all California after school programs! The new modules are: Focus on Social Studies, Focus on Healthy Living, and Focus on Visual & Performing Arts.
Implementing High-Quality Youth Programs
Child Trends recently released three research briefs that present research findings and effective strategies to implement high-quality out-of-school time programs. The titles of the three briefs are How Program Administrators Can Support Out-Of-School Time Staff, Building Systems-Level Partnerships, and Data-Driven Decision Making in Out-Of-School Time Programs. These briefs complete a six-part series on the drivers for implementing evidence-based practices in out-of-school time programs.
Department of Toxic Substances Control
This site provides environmental education resources for teachers, students, parents and youth groups. This information focuses on teaching children to be good stewards of the environment.
DCYF Quality Self Assessment Tool
The San Francisco Department of Children, Youth, and Families After School Program Quality Self Assessment Tool