Equity for the Future: 6 Priority Actions Field Leaders Should Take Right Now
The COVID-19 crisis demands new, innovative solutions to both long-standing inequities and unforeseeable challenges. In a new brief, How the Science of Learning and Development Can Transform Education, the SoLD Alliance has been evaluating fundamental truths about how young people learn and develop.
Designing for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Remote or Hybrid Learning
Van Ness Elementary in DCPS has spent the Summer designing a structure to keep the school agile and responsive during the complexities of 2020. By making staff designers in the process allows for the creation of systematic practices that create schools that can recover and respond equitably to crises. Explore Transcend Education’s article to see how school leaders can borrow the methods of design teams for their local contexts!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Out-of-School Time Programs
ChildTrends highlights strategies that local YMCAs use to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their programming in their new research. These strategies can help inform other out-of-school time programs working to become more equitable.
Teaching Tolerance Shares Reading Together: A Guide for Families and Educators
The first step toward social justice is for communities to come together. In partnership with the University of Colorado, Boulder, Teaching Tolerance is proud to release, Reading Together: A Guide for Families and Educators, a guide that offers step-by-step instruction and workbook designed to ensure that families and educators are equal partners in creating a multi-generational reading group.