Grantee Orientation Workshops
Quality Standards in Action Videos Released by CDE’s Expanded Learning Division
The Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California are a set of 12 standards used to describe high levels of “Quality” of a program at the programmatic, staff, and participant levels. To bring these standards to life, The California Department of Education’s Expanded Learning Division (CDE’s EXLD) has created Quality Standards in Action Videos.
Grants 101
This video will cover:
Basic requirements of Expanded Learning grants funded through the California Department of Education.
- After School Education and Safety Program or ASES
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program or CCLC
- 21st Century High School Afterschool Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program also known as ASSETs
Grant Modifications
This video will review:
The different types of grant modifications that are available while reviewing the requirements and approval process for each. The following modifications are available for expanded learning program grantees:
Federal Program Monitoring
This video will cover the following topics:
- The EXLP FPM Instrument
- The California Monitoring Tool also known as the CMT
- The seven dimensions of the EXLP FPM Instrument,
- Common EXLP FPM findings
- Frequently asked FPM questions
85/15: Direct Service to Pupils, Administrative, Indirect Costs and Supplement vs. Supplant
By the end of this video, you will:
- Learn about the requirements for 85/15
- Become familiar with the common 85/15 issues
- Learn about the FPM process and how 85/15 is monitored
- Receive additional resources
The Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California
This video will examine:
- The background and description of The Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California
- How to use the Quality Standards in your Continuous Quality Improvement Process
- How to select an assessment tool or instrument to support your Continuous Quality Improvement process
The Continuous Quality Improvement Process
By the end of this video, you will:
- Gain an understanding of the context for CQI in California’s Expanded Learning Programs.
- Learn how to create a site-level CQI plan.
- Learn about a planning tool that you can use in the creation of your site-level CQI plan.