Virtual Workshops
Post VA58 Briefing – Information & Resources
The California AfterSchool Network
was excited to partner with Vaccinate ALL 58 and
the CA Department of Public Health, for all
the latest information and resources for our youngest
Californians on Thursday, August 18, 2022, in a virtual brief.
Please note, this brief focuses specifically
on COVID vaccinations, only. For information and resources
on other COVID-related items, such as testing or masking
requirements, please visit the
CDC website.
Virtual Briefing – COVID 19 and Back to School: What You Should Know
Thursday, August 18, 2022; 1-2:00 PM PST
Webinar – Partnering with Expanded Learning to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism
August 2019
This webinar, hosted by the California AfterSchool Network and Attendance Works, looks at how high quality Expanded Learning programs (before and after school, summer, and intersession learning experiences) help reduce chronic absenteeism.
Webinar – Enhancing SEL through Physical Activity
April 2019
This webinar, hosted by the California AfterSchool Network and Skillastics, looks at how social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances students’ capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges.
Campaign for Quality Videos
A series of videos that highlight each of the 11 sections of the Quality Self-Assessment Tool (QSA Tool) and the 5 sections of the High School Quality Self-Assessment Rubric (QSAR). Each of the 3-5 minute videos is designed to start meaningful conversations with your after school program’s stakeholders on program quality and to start a plan for continuous improvement.
Engaging Enrichment Clubs Webinar
Engaging Enrichment Clubs is a 45 minute webinar brought to you by the Older Youth Committee of the California AfterSchool Network. This webinar identifies why engaging enrichment clubs are so crucial to expanded learning programs and features two interviews with Site Coordinators who have been very successful implementing high-quality, engaging enrichment clubs in their older youth programs.
Older Youth Credit Recovery Webinar
The Credit Recovery in Out of School Time webinar focusing on transition, bridging, and credit recovery. Credit Recovery, part of a larger high school dropout strategy, allows students that are credit deficient to potentially graduate on time by providing intentional opportunities through increased access. Participants will be shown why credit recovery in “out of school time” makes sense and is a good fit for both the school and its students.
Utilizing the Campaign for Quality Tools
This webinar provides a detailed look at all the available tools developed by the California AfterSchool Network (CAN) to assist out-of-school time programs improve program quality. Tool overviews include the Quality Self-Assessment (QSA) Tool, QSA User’s Guide, Campaign for Quality – Promising Practices Guide, element videos, element webinars, and the CAN website.
Program Design and Assessment
This webinar will feature an overview of the quality elements in the California Afterschool Network Quality Self-Assessment Tool on Program Design and Assessment. CynDee Zandes, Chief Program Officer with THINK Together, Michelle Perranoud from the Los Angeles County Office of Education in the After School Technical Assistance Unit, and Richard “Rico” Perralta, Director of Program Development with the Central Valley Afterschool Foundation will present on the elements of Program Design and Assessment. Each will share strategies and promising practices programs can utilize to incr
Promoting Diversity, Access, Equity and Inclusion
This webinar will feature an overview of the quality elements in the California Afterschool Network Quality Self-Assessment Tool on Promoting Diversity, Access, Equity, and Inclusion. It will also feature Torrie Dunlap, CEO for Kids Included Together (KIT) and Elizabeth Soriano, Site Coordinator for the Synergy After-school program at Hoover High School in San Diego. Each will share strategies and promising practices programs can utilize to increase program quality.
Community Partnerships & Collaboration
This webinar will feature an overview of the quality elements in the California Afterschool Network Quality Self-Assessment Tool on Community Partnerships and Collaboration. It will also feature Kindra Montgomery, Director of Technical Assistance for UC Davis Center for Community Schools Partnerships; and Bud Darwin, Training Director for Pro Youth Heart in Visalia, CA. Each will share strategies programs can utilize to increase their quality through effective linkages with the core school day.
Effectively Supporting English Learners
This webinar will feature an overview of the quality elements in the California Afterschool Network Quality Self-Assessment Tool on Strategies to Support English Learner students. It will also feature presentations from Nora Zamora from the California Afterschool Resource Center (CASRC) and Cynthia Zarate who is a Co-chair of the Network’s EL Committee.
Alignment and Linkages with the School Day
This webinar will feature an overview of the quality elements in the California Afterschool Network Quality Self-Assessment Tool on Alignment and Linkages with the School Day. It will also feature Marcella Klein-Williams, Regional Lead for Region 8; and Shirley Rosenbloom, Academic Resource Teacher at Sacramento START after school program. Each will share strategies programs can utilize to increase their quality through effective linkages with the core school day.